Saturday, March 29, 2008


Pegmatites: Tonnes Li

North Carolina Former operations ....................230,000
North Carolina Undeveloped .........................2,600,000 *

Barraute, Quebec .................................................90,000
Bernic Lake, Manitoba .........................................18,600
Others, Canada ....................................................147,000

Bikita, Zimbabwe ..................................................56,700 *
Manono, Zaire ..................................................2,300,000 *

Greenbushes, Western Australia .......................223,000
Mount Marion, Western Australia .........................9,800
Mount Catlin, Western Australia .........................20,000

Koralpa, Austria ...................................................100,000
Larritta, Finland .....................................................14,000
Various, Russia .................................................1,000,000
Brazil, Minas Gerais & Ceara ................................85,000

China ......................................................................750,000

* Tonnages in the 1976 report reduced by 25% for open pit and 50% for underground mining


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